
Managed IT Support cybersecurity

5 Key Cybersecurity Benefits of IT Outsourcing

It’s a tough world for business owners and executives. It has never been a simple one, but with the ease of opening a business today, the competition is just too much. All businesses today go online. With that comes the added burden of managing to stay safe from online threats and sustaining a proficient IT infrastructure.

Having an in-house IT support team that provides you with the best security measures you could have is a luxury not all businesses can count on, because good, experienced professionals are hard to find but also because they’re expensive. This is the reason why most small and mid-size companies opt to outsource technology to go with IT outsourcing services to help them take care of running IT and minimizing risk of breaches.

Why a Good IT Outsourcing Company Helps Keep Your Business Safe

1. Layered Security Best Practices

Managed IT support comes with the backing of years of experience in the field in addition to an extensive set of tools to monitor threats and many engineers on staff, for the price you’d pay to hire one IT professional. They will help you iron out all the little wrinkles in your security framework that make it weak and implement, manage and maintain the right security layers to minimize the risk including firewalls, DNS security, automated software patching, anti-virus/anti-malware and password managers. Your data will be more secure, and your business will continue to run and grow.

2. Better Risk Management

Managed IT support reduces your chances of security breaches considerably. To stay ahead of the game, you should have a good risk management strategy. Managed IT support will evaluate all risk areas and chalk out a plan to follow in the event of security breaches, which reduces downtime as well as contains damage to some degree. Moreover, well-managed IT support will stress on keeping backups of data to prevent loss and help you implement best practices to meet your needs.

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3. Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Often, it is small errors by employees that later turn into a catastrophic security breach. With social engineering (fancy term for con games) as the most common technique to perpetrate breaches such as phishing attacks, it’s not surprising that human error causes 25% of all data breaches within the US. When you partner with an IT support company, they will make available routine security awareness training programs for your employees. This involves educating them about the security threats they face, how to identify them, how to prevent falling prey to them, and what to do in the event something goes wrong. The training may also include regular, hands-on training like phishing simulations to help the staff to stay on their toes.

4. Better Cost Management

Any business would love to have an endless budget and the best in-house IT staff to put up a security wall between the organization and the infinite cyber threats out there. The reality is that with luck, the average small and midsize organization may only be able to afford one dedicated internal resource to manage and support day-to-day IT while having to worry about implementing good security practices. Unfortunately, this internal resource only has so many hours in a day and likely won’t have the time and tools to take care of the more technical and sensitive areas like cybersecurity properly.

As a better option, having a managed IT support company is like hiring a fully-staffed IT department for the price you’d pay to hire one IT professional. This outsourced option allows you to bring a wealth of expertise and top of the line tools to beef-up your cybersecurity and minimize the risk of being a victim of the next mass ransomware attack.

5. Quicker Upgrade

Many businesses fail to realize that having older, vulnerable systems that are not upgraded and kept up-to-date is a significant reason why businesses are breached, like in the case of Equifax. These vulnerable systems and software are like having the windows of your home cracked open for hackers to walk in as they please.

Staying ahead of cybercrime for organizations of all sizes constant monitoring to keep software and workstations up-to-date, as well as a forward-looking plan to replace systems before they become obsolete and an imminent security vulnerability to your business. A security-focused managed IT support company brings wealth of experience and the right tools, who can help you devise a plan to ensure that outdated systems don’t become your organization’s Achilles heel.

Envision Consulting is one such expert that can help you get the most out of your business and protect you at all times. Your data will be more secure, and you can focus on your general business operation rather than waste time stressing over your company’s IT infrastructure and practices. If you are in need of an expert to steer your organization’s cybersecurity in the right direction, you can contact us for a free consultation with a member of our staff.


Envision Consulting

Envision Consulting

We started Envision Consulting for businesses that share our passion for building long- term and healthy relationships. While we might be technology experts, we’ve always known that trust, reliability and looking after a client’s best interest are paramount to succeeding in business. But in 2001 and to this day, there were few managed IT providers available that embodied our customer-centric values. There were countless support companies more interested in reacting to issues than paving the road forward for clients, making it far too difficult to build long-term relationships. We felt a strong pull to make something different, and we did.